Saturday, December 30, 2006'♥
shou qi le xi nao, zhi liu xia li maozhi bu zhi dao, wo ye xiang tao haowo ge de yong bao, ni yao shou haoni ge de yi kao, wo fang bu diaoni ge de wei xiao, hai zai zui jiaowo de jiao ao, shi ni de haowo xiang hui bao, ni que zuan shen zou diao
Zombie@12/30/2006 03:56:00 PM
Friday, December 29, 2006'♥
din go work for 2 days alreadyjust wana really be aloneto sort everything outim lost in space. im speechless.suffocated with every unspoken tots2 more days to year 2007n i noe. when e clock strike 12.its gonna mark an end to everythingive knew abt this plan of urs alreadyjus waiting for u to tell me personallybut think abt it againi dun c a point to anymore'oz i rly dono wat am i suppose to sayor how am i suppose to reactdun wana haf any broken smiles 4 ufrm e bottom of my hartreally wana thank u for all e wonderful memories. =)the moments together w u.were truely happy & blessed.rem u once asked me tis question?"ni hui bu hui jue de hou hui"once again. till now. i won't. n i never will.dun ask me y.though i really din expect it to be tat soonbut no worries. i understand it all.i hope we r still friends.rem i said i'll wana b there when u nid a shoulder.i'll still wana be there whn u nid a listening ear.just s a friend.take good care wishes. =>
Zombie@12/29/2006 04:02:00 PM
Thursday, December 28, 2006'♥
in the arms of my dearesti finally let everything outthanks sis i love you.hangover sux. ALAS.lotsa stuffs running thru my minddoubts. wonders. really prob. its ok.its jus a matter of time.
Zombie@12/28/2006 03:58:00 PM
Monday, December 25, 2006'♥
this x'mas seriously sux. the worst x'mas of my 20 years. nth much to talk abt. damn pek cek. only thing that makes this day alive is something most most priceless & meaningful ive ever received all these years sis. thanks so so so so much! i really really really really love it. when i flip n read thru it. it really touched my heart. i noe u r shy. oz u dun dare look at me at all. hee. i love u. MUACKS. wo zhen de hao kai xin oh. =) blogger space's limited. so cant upload everything. but it's all in my yahoo pics. =) enjoy.MERRY X'MAS TO ALL~!
Zombie@12/25/2006 05:20:00 AM
` my precious .
Zombie@12/25/2006 05:11:00 AM
` our fav pic .
Zombie@12/25/2006 05:10:00 AM
` our fav song .
Zombie@12/25/2006 05:09:00 AM
` a simple sentence for a silly girl .
Zombie@12/25/2006 05:08:00 AM
Zombie@12/25/2006 05:07:00 AM
` imu .
Zombie@12/25/2006 05:06:00 AM
` smoochies .
Zombie@12/25/2006 05:05:00 AM

Zombie@12/25/2006 05:05:00 AM
` she's my monkey. im her lizard .
Zombie@12/25/2006 04:54:00 AM
` mellinsa . natalie . nice names hur .
Zombie@12/25/2006 04:47:00 AM
` i love u to bits.
Zombie@12/25/2006 04:33:00 AM
` my 2nd precious .
` unspoken tots . sighz .
Zombie@12/25/2006 04:28:00 AM
` pressie frm jian . ` xie xie ni bruther. =)
Zombie@12/25/2006 04:27:00 AM
` Anymore pressieee ?` i wan moreeee . *_*
Zombie@12/25/2006 04:25:00 AM
Friday, December 22, 2006'♥
somehow....i still feel the aches...that very last song 4 me...kept playing over n over...memories s fresh...tears... swell up once again...
Zombie@12/22/2006 01:31:00 PM
Thursday, December 21, 2006'♥
i've enough.enough of ur attitudes.enough of ur nonsences.enough of giving in 2 you.enough of ur childishness.wake up ur ideas.u r a nobody to me now.the fight marks an end to everything.4get abt memories.4get abt everything.u really put me off.everybody has their own probs.think what.only u have probs & troubles?u expect us to b there 24/7 when ur guys r not with u?DREAM ON LA.there's only guys in ur forget abt us.whr r u when i needed u most?happily with ur guys.whr r u when sa needed u most?happily with ur what right have u got to blame us now?n look. i have enuff stop adding on to everything.stop contacting.i wont pick up i wont reply.JUST FUCKING LEAVE ME ALONE.not just u.but everybody!i hate the world.i hate all!FUCK OFF MY LIFE LA!
Zombie@12/21/2006 01:04:00 PM
Wednesday, December 20, 2006'♥ too lost for words.just let me be.need not say a scared.need not say a word.i understand it all.need not say a word.its jus a matter of time.
Zombie@12/20/2006 12:27:00 AM
Sunday, December 17, 2006'♥
i miss you ...i really do ...even when im out ...all that i think about only just you ...i noe u dun wan me to miss you so much ...tried not to ...n im sorry ...wo zuo bu dao ...feel so down useless ...... sighz ...
Zombie@12/17/2006 05:12:00 PM
Saturday, December 16, 2006'♥
Tian Kong Xia Qi Yu Le
Ta Cheng De San
Zai Ni De Shen Bian Pei Zhe
Ke Shi Wo Bu Kuai Le
Yin Wei Kan Jian
Ta Lian Shang De Xiao
Shi Hen Mian Qiang De Wo Hen Xiang Ai Ta
Dan Shi Yan Jin Zai Shuo Huang
Yi Man Bi Jiao Rong Yi Ba
Mian De Gan Qing Bian De Fu Zha
Wo Hen Xiang Ai Ta
Dan Shi Li Zhi Zai Chao Jia
Tui Chu Ke Yi Jie Wei Ma
Shui Neng Ge Wo Yi Ge Hao De Hui Da
Ai Qing Shi Mo Hu De
Ke Lian De Shi Mei You Yong Qi Xuan Ze
Ru Guo Zai Se Bu De
Zhe Yang Xia Qu
Wo Men Mei Ge Ren
Dou Shi Shou Hai Zhe
Dang Ai Qing Xian Zai Wei Xian Bian Yuan
Shi Fo Dou Hui Shang Hen Lei Lei
Shi Fo Dou Hui Ku Bu Kan Yan
Ai Qing Jiao Hui Wo Men Fang Bu Xia
Zombie@12/16/2006 04:45:00 PM
Friday, December 15, 2006'♥
life's so's so unfair.(it alwaz is)life's full of ups &'s is not just wat god created to b.but also, how we choose it to be.but den times. we dun even have a times. we choose to hide from times. we dun really times. we just CANT even bother despite wanting toy r humans born to love.y r humans born with feelings.y r humans so fickle always.y is there tis thingy call human nature.dun u ever feel sick n tired of anything.dun u ever feel so stupid doing something worthless.dun u ever feel irritated by ppl u no longer give a damn abt.i please.leave me alone.i needa break.n you?
Zombie@12/15/2006 03:28:00 PM
Wednesday, December 13, 2006'♥
slept over at sa's plc the nite b4
n she was so damn late for work ytd
was already 1.55pm when we woke up
(she's suppose to start work at 2pm). lols.
was raining cats n dogs whn we got out
n i'm already so drenched all over
den this damn fcuking car passed by n splashed dirty water on me!!!
WTF la~!!!! *screamed*
damn shagged.
went home rest a lil.
went town with him ta meet jian.
coma in the bus. *hees*
saw t.f.
he was in town too.
suppose ta meet him at nite
but cant make it. so so sorry. =x
met up with ah sa at harbourfront.
den off to geylang to makan.
slacked a lil. den went home.
nothing much.
feeling damn moodless now.
n pek cek. dono y.
haikz. watever. ... ...
gg drinking tonight.
yeah yeah.
*sighz* ...
im gg nuts...
Zombie@12/13/2006 12:38:00 PM
Monday, December 11, 2006'♥
everything seems to be gg haywirefrustrated. confused. vexed. really sucked.m really falling apart.feel like screaming out loud.feel like crying my heart tired of faking my smiles.i hate it. really HATE IT~!!!!!!!sis.. thanks for being there.i appreciate every little things u've done.really thanks alot.i love you.*hugz*
Zombie@12/11/2006 04:55:00 PM
Saturday, December 09, 2006'♥

Zombie@12/09/2006 03:14:00 PM

Zombie@12/09/2006 02:52:00 PM

Zombie@12/09/2006 02:50:00 PM

Zombie@12/09/2006 02:47:00 PM

Zombie@12/09/2006 02:46:00 PM

Zombie@12/09/2006 02:43:00 PM
suppose to work 2daybut ive cleared all my stuffs ytd~!so..haha. i finally get to enjoy my beauty sleep aft so many days.went ta meet him aft workate sakae sushi while waiting for jian & safisherman ta chill. vy & boon joined us starving now.conferencing w sa n jianwaiting for my mee sua. hees.urm.... *sighz*
im rly glad u told me ur heartfelt words
im sorry i choose not to face the reality
n alwaz avoid ur questions & words.
im just scared.
i just dun have such courage.
i dun feel good either.
i just wana cherish the moments we have now
n let beautiful memories of us walk with me when moments falling deeper... n deeper...boy i miss you so much... *hugs*
Zombie@12/09/2006 12:28:00 PM
Wednesday, December 06, 2006'♥
1st day of work.--shagged--nearly sweet of him 2 gif me morn callthanks. =)work is much better den the previous 1.just that theres really alot to learn.haik. hope i'll b able ta cope.BUT u noe wat...there's no hawker no foodcourt NOTHING AT ALLonly this pathetic canteen n its kinda far.den gotta da bao own food there.n u think i will forgo my beauty slpjust ta wake up n prepare my lunch?this is MADDNESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS~!still cant adapt.coz i miss my tai tai days. =(n YOU.I MISS U SO MUCH. =(
Zombie@12/06/2006 06:36:00 PM
Tuesday, December 05, 2006'♥ tai tai days will b over in few hrs time.savings dried baq to worried.*haiks*i miss him.i wish he's give me some courage.but alas. i noe whr i stand.feeling kinda moody lately.i dono y.*sighz*going changi for my crabs.gotta prepare already. ciaos.
Zombie@12/05/2006 07:12:00 PM
Saturday, December 02, 2006'♥
Zombie@12/02/2006 09:21:00 PM
Zombie@12/02/2006 09:20:00 PM
.i love u.
Zombie@12/02/2006 09:18:00 PM

Zombie@12/02/2006 09:18:00 PM
Zombie@12/02/2006 09:16:00 PM
been donkey years since the last update.
tons of things happened. haiks.
quit the inhuman job w income.
*phew* like finally. hurhur.
starting my new job this wed.
kinda worry. n scared. argghhh.
the phobia is still dere la. =(
nvm. ive enjoyed for like..urm..1.5 mths. hehs.
i seriously dono whats gg on.
im really drained.
y is dere alwaz countless fights btw us.
i do cherish u n i love u.
but there's a limit to everything.
i tried to b dere n understand u.
but wat i get is alwaz attitutes attitudes & attitudes.
n words that really tear me apart.
isnt it suppose to be a give n take.
y doesnt it seem to be this way at all.
i miss the times we shared.
the happy moments.
thicks n thins we 3 went thru together.
memories flash backs make my heart sinks.
it hurts to c things turning out this way. =(
i hate this painful feeling.
sis..i really miss u so much... ='<
Zombie@12/02/2006 08:31:00 PM